CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1995 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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all copies.
/* gscie.h */
/* Structures for CIE color algorithms */
/* (requires gscspace.h, gscolor2.h) */
#include "gsrefct.h"
#include "gxctable.h"
/* Define the size of the Encode/Decode/Transform procedure value caches. */
/* With the current design, these caches must all have the same size. */
# define CIE_LOG2_CACHE_SIZE 9
#define gx_cie_log2_cache_size CIE_LOG2_CACHE_SIZE
#define gx_cie_cache_size (1 << gx_cie_log2_cache_size)
/* Define whether to use fixed- or floating-point values in the caches. */
/* If we are using fixed-point values, define the number of fraction bits. */
/* Take as many bits as we can without having to multiply in two pieces. */
((arch_sizeof_long * 8 - gx_cie_log2_cache_size) / 2 - 1)
/* Define whether to interpolate between cached values. */
/* Define whether to interpolate at all intermediate lookup steps. */
/* This is computationally expensive and doesn't seem to improve */
/* the accuracy of the result. */
/* Define whether to interpolate in the RenderTable. */
/* This is computationally very expensive, so it is normally disabled. */
/* Mark code intended for later use. */
/****** NOTE: this is also used in zcie.c. ******/
/*#define NEW_CIE*/
#define float_lshift(v, nb) ((v) * (1L << (nb)))
#define float_rshift(v, nb) ((v) * (1.0 / (1L << (nb))))
/* We have to have room for both a cache index and the interpolation bits */
/* in a positive int (i.e., leaving 1 bit for the sign), plus a little slop. */
/* The values for interpolation are cie_cached_values by default. */
# define _cie_interpolate_bits\
min(arch_sizeof_int * 8 - gx_cie_log2_cache_size - 2, 10)
# define _cix(i) ((i) >> _cie_interpolate_bits)
# define _cif(i) ((int)(i) & ((1 << _cie_interpolate_bits) - 1))
# define cie_interpolate_between(v0, v1, i)\
((v0) + cie_cached_rshift(((v1) - (v0)) * _cif(i) +\
(1 << (_cie_interpolate_bits - 1)),\
# define cie_interpolate(p, i)\
cie_interpolate_between((p)[_cix(i)], (p)[_cix(i) + 1], i)
# define cie_interpolate_fracs(p, i)\
((p)[_cix(i)] + (frac)arith_rshift((long)((p)[_cix(i) + 1] - (p)[_cix(i)]) * _cif(i), _cie_interpolate_bits))
# define _cie_interpolate_bits 0
# define cie_interpolate_between(v0, v1, i) (v0)
# define cie_interpolate(p, i) ((p)[i])
# define cie_interpolate_fracs(p, i) ((p)[i])
typedef long cie_cached_value;
# define _cie_fixed_shift CIE_FIXED_FRACTION_BITS
# define float2cie_cached(v)\
((cie_cached_value)float_lshift(v, _cie_fixed_shift))
# define cie_cached2float(v)\
float_rshift(v, _cie_fixed_shift)
# define cie_cached2int(v, fbits)\
arith_rshift(v, _cie_fixed_shift - (fbits))
/* We are multiplying two cie_cached_values to produce a result that */
/* lies between 0 and gx_cie_cache_size - 1. If the intermediate result */
/* might overflow, compute it in pieces (being a little sloppy). */
# define _cie_product_excess_bits\
(_cie_fixed_shift * 2 + gx_cie_log2_cache_size - (arch_sizeof_long * 8 - 1))
# define cie_cached_product2int(v, factor, fbits)\
(_cie_product_excess_bits > 0 ?\
arith_rshift( (v) * arith_rshift(factor, _cie_product_excess_bits) +\
arith_rshift(v, _cie_product_excess_bits) *\
((factor) & ((1 << _cie_product_excess_bits) - 1)),\
_cie_fixed_shift * 2 - _cie_product_excess_bits - (fbits)) :\
arith_rshift((v) * (factor), _cie_fixed_shift * 2 - (fbits)))
# define cie_cached_rshift(v, n) arith_rshift(v, n)
typedef float cie_cached_value;
# define float2cie_cached(v) (v)
# define cie_cached2float(v) (v)
# define cie_cached2int(v, fbits)\
((int)float_lshift(v, fbits))
# define cie_cached_product2int(v, factor, fbits)\
((int)float_lshift((v) * (factor), fbits))
# define cie_cached_rshift(v, n) float_rshift(v, n)
/* ------ Common definitions ------ */
* For the purposes of the CIE routines, we consider that all the vectors
* are column vectors, that the matrices are specified in column order
* (e.g., the matrix
* [ A B C ]
* [ D E F ]
* [ G H I ]
* is represented as [A D G B E H C F I]), and that to transform a vector
* V by a matrix M, we compute M * V to produce another column vector.
* Note in particular that in order to produce a matrix M that is
* equivalent to transforming by M1 and then by M2, we must compute
* M = M2 * M1. This probably isn't the most intuitive way to specify
* these things, but that's how the code turned out, and it isn't worth
* changing at this point.
/* A 3-element vector. */
typedef struct gs_vector3_s {
float u, v, w;
} gs_vector3;
/* A 3x3 matrix, stored in column order. */
typedef struct gs_matrix3_s {
gs_vector3 cu, cv, cw;
bool is_identity;
} gs_matrix3;
/* 3- and 4-element vectors of ranges. */
typedef struct gs_range_s {
float rmin, rmax;
} gs_range;
typedef struct gs_range3_s {
gs_range ranges[3];
} gs_range3;
typedef struct gs_range4_s {
gs_range ranges[4];
} gs_range4;
/* Client-supplied transformation procedures. */
typedef struct gs_cie_common_s gs_cie_common;
#ifdef NEW_CIE
typedef struct gs_cie_abc_common_s gs_cie_abc_common;
typedef struct gs_cie_abc_s gs_cie_abc_common;
typedef struct gs_cie_wbsd_s gs_cie_wbsd;
typedef float (*gs_cie_a_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_a *));
typedef float (*gs_cie_abc_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_abc *));
typedef struct gs_cie_abc_proc3_s {
gs_cie_abc_proc procs[3];
} gs_cie_abc_proc3;
typedef float (*gs_cie_def_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_def *));
typedef struct gs_cie_def_proc3_s {
gs_cie_def_proc procs[3];
} gs_cie_def_proc3;
typedef float (*gs_cie_defg_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_defg *));
typedef struct gs_cie_defg_proc4_s {
gs_cie_defg_proc procs[4];
} gs_cie_defg_proc4;
typedef float (*gs_cie_common_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_common *));
typedef struct gs_cie_common_proc3_s {
gs_cie_common_proc procs[3];
} gs_cie_common_proc3;
typedef float (*gs_cie_render_proc)(P2(floatp, const gs_cie_render *));
typedef struct gs_cie_render_proc3_s {
gs_cie_render_proc procs[3];
} gs_cie_render_proc3;
typedef float (*gs_cie_transform_proc)(P3(floatp, const gs_cie_wbsd *,
const gs_cie_render *));
typedef struct gs_cie_transform_proc3_s {
gs_cie_transform_proc procs[3];
} gs_cie_transform_proc3;
typedef frac (*gs_cie_render_table_proc)(P2(byte, const gs_cie_render *));
typedef struct gs_cie_render_table_procs_s {
gs_cie_render_table_proc procs[4];
} gs_cie_render_table_procs;
/* CIE white and black points. */
typedef struct gs_cie_wb_s {
gs_vector3 WhitePoint;
gs_vector3 BlackPoint;
} gs_cie_wb;
/* ------ Caches ------ */
* Given that all the client-supplied procedures involved in CIE color
* mapping and rendering are monotonic, and given that we can determine
* the minimum and maximum input values for them, we can cache their values.
* This takes quite a lot of space, but eliminates the need for callbacks
* deep in the graphics code (particularly the image operator).
* The procedures, and how we determine their domains, are as follows:
Stage Name Domain determination
----- ---- --------------------
pre-decode DecodeDEF RangeDEF
pre-decode DecodeDEFG RangeDEFG
color space DecodeA RangeA
color space DecodeABC RangeABC
color space DecodeLMN RangeLMN
rendering TransformPQR RangePQR
(but depends on color space White/BlackPoints)
rendering EncodeLMN RangePQR transformed by the inverse of
MatrixPQR and then by MatrixLMN
rendering EncodeABC RangeLMN transformed by MatrixABC
rendering RenderTable.T [0..1]*m
* Note that we can mostly cache the results of the color space procedures
* without knowing the color rendering parameters, and vice versa,
* because of the range parameters supplied in the dictionaries.
* Unfortunately, TransformPQR is an exception.
* The index into a cache is (value - base) * factor, where
* factor is computed as (cie_cache_size - 1) / (rmax - rmin).
* We have two kinds of caches: ordinary caches, where each value is
* a scalar, and vector caches, where each value is a gs_cached_vector3.
* The latter allow us to pre-multiply the values by one column of
* a gs_matrix3, avoiding multiplications at lookup time.
* Since we sometimes alias the two types of caches for access to
* the floats, values must come last.
typedef struct cie_cache_params_s {
bool is_identity; /* must come first */
float base, factor;
} cie_cache_params;
#define cie_cache_struct(sname, vtype)\
struct sname {\
cie_cache_params params;\
vtype values[gx_cie_cache_size];\
typedef cie_cache_struct(gx_cie_cache_s, float) cie_cache_floats;
typedef union gx_cie_scalar_cache_s {
cie_cache_floats floats;
cie_cache_struct(_scf, frac) fracs;
cie_cache_struct(_sci, int) ints;
} gx_cie_scalar_cache;
typedef struct cie_cached_vector3_s {
cie_cached_value u, v, w;
} cie_cached_vector3;
typedef struct cie_vector_cache_params_s {
bool is_identity; /* must come first */
cie_cached_value base, factor, limit;
} cie_vector_cache_params;
typedef struct cie_cache_vectors_s {
cie_vector_cache_params params; /* must come first for is_identity */
cie_cached_vector3 values[gx_cie_cache_size];
} cie_cache_vectors;
typedef union gx_cie_vector_cache_s {
cie_cache_floats floats;
cie_cache_vectors vecs;
} gx_cie_vector_cache;
/* ------ Color space dictionaries ------ */
/* Elements common to all CIE dictionaries. */
struct gs_cie_common_s {
gs_range3 RangeLMN;
gs_cie_common_proc3 DecodeLMN;
gs_matrix3 MatrixLMN;
gs_cie_wb points;
/* Following are computed when structure is initialized. */
struct {
gx_cie_scalar_cache DecodeLMN[3];
} caches;
/* A CIEBasedA dictionary. */
struct gs_cie_a_s {
gs_cie_common common; /* must be first */
rc_header rc;
gs_range RangeA;
gs_cie_a_proc DecodeA;
gs_vector3 MatrixA;
/* Following are computed when structure is initialized. */
struct {
gx_cie_vector_cache DecodeA; /* mult. by MatrixA */
} caches;
#define private_st_cie_a() /* in zcie.c */\
gs_private_st_simple(st_cie_a, gs_cie_a, "gs_cie_a")
/* A CIEBasedABC dictionary. */
#ifdef NEW_CIE
struct gs_cie_abc_common_s {
gs_cie_common common; /* must be first */
struct gs_cie_abc_s {
gs_cie_common common; /* must be first */
rc_header rc;
gs_range3 RangeABC;
gs_cie_abc_proc3 DecodeABC;
gs_matrix3 MatrixABC;
/* Following are computed when structure is initialized. */
struct {
bool skipABC;
gx_cie_vector_cache DecodeABC[3]; /* mult. by MatrixABC */
} caches;
#ifdef NEW_CIE
/* A CIEBasedABC dictionary. */
struct gs_cie_abc_s {
gs_cie_abc_common abc; /* must be first */
rc_header rc;
#define private_st_cie_abc() /* in zcie.c */\
gs_private_st_simple(st_cie_abc, gs_cie_abc, "gs_cie_abc")
/* A CIEBasedDEF dictionary. */
/****** NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ******/
struct gs_cie_def_s {
gs_cie_abc_common abc; /* must be first */
#ifndef NEW_CIE
rc_header rc;
gs_range3 RangeDEF;
gs_cie_def_proc3 DecodeDEF;
gs_range3 RangeHIJ;
gx_color_lookup_table Table; /* [NH][NI * NJ * 3] */
struct {
gx_cie_scalar_cache DecodeDEF[3];
} caches;
#define private_st_cie_def() /* in zcie.c */\
gs_private_st_ptrs1(st_cie_def, gs_cie_def, "gs_cie_def",\
cie_def_enum_ptrs, cie_def_reloc_ptrs, Table.table)
/* A CIEBasedDEFG dictionary. */
/****** NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ******/
struct gs_cie_defg_s {
gs_cie_abc_common abc; /* must be first */
#ifndef NEW_CIE
rc_header rc;
gs_range4 RangeDEFG;
gs_cie_defg_proc4 DecodeDEFG;
gs_range4 RangeHIJK;
gx_color_lookup_table Table; /* [NH * NI][NJ * NK * 3] */
struct {
gx_cie_scalar_cache DecodeDEFG[4];
} caches;
#define private_st_cie_defg() /* in zcie.c */\
gs_private_st_ptrs1(st_cie_defg, gs_cie_defg, "gs_cie_defg",\
cie_defg_enum_ptrs, cie_defg_reloc_ptrs, Table.table)
/* Default values for components */
extern const gs_range3 Range3_default;
extern const gs_range4 Range4_default;
extern const gs_cie_defg_proc4 DecodeDEFG_default;
extern const gs_cie_def_proc3 DecodeDEF_default;
extern const gs_cie_abc_proc3 DecodeABC_default;
extern const gs_cie_common_proc3 DecodeLMN_default;
extern const gs_matrix3 Matrix3_default;
extern const gs_range RangeA_default;
extern const gs_cie_a_proc DecodeA_default;
extern const gs_vector3 MatrixA_default;
extern const gs_vector3 BlackPoint_default;
extern const gs_cie_render_proc3 Encode_default;
extern const gs_cie_transform_proc3 TransformPQR_default;
extern const gs_cie_render_table_procs RenderTableT_default;
/* ------ Rendering dictionaries ------ */
struct gs_cie_wbsd_s {
struct { gs_vector3 xyz, pqr; } ws, bs, wd, bd;
/* The main dictionary */
struct gs_cie_render_s {
rc_header rc;
gs_cie_wb points;
gs_matrix3 MatrixPQR;
gs_range3 RangePQR;
gs_cie_transform_proc3 TransformPQR;
gs_matrix3 MatrixLMN;
gs_cie_render_proc3 EncodeLMN;
gs_range3 RangeLMN;
gs_matrix3 MatrixABC;
gs_cie_render_proc3 EncodeABC;
gs_range3 RangeABC;
struct {
gx_color_lookup_table lookup; /* if table is 0, other */
/* members are not set */
gs_cie_render_table_procs T;
} RenderTable;
/* Following are computed when structure is initialized. */
gs_range3 DomainLMN;
gs_range3 DomainABC;
gs_matrix3 MatrixABCEncode;
cie_cached_value EncodeABC_base[3];
gs_matrix3 MatrixPQR_inverse_LMN;
gs_vector3 wdpqr, bdpqr;
struct {
gx_cie_vector_cache EncodeLMN[3]; /* mult. by M'ABCEncode */
gx_cie_scalar_cache EncodeABC[3];
gx_cie_scalar_cache RenderTableT[4];
bool RenderTableT_is_identity;
} caches;
#define private_st_cie_render() /* in zcrd.c */\
gs_private_st_ptrs1(st_cie_render, gs_cie_render, "gs_cie_render",\
cie_render_enum_ptrs, cie_render_reloc_ptrs, RenderTable.lookup.table)
/* RenderTable.lookup.table points to an array of st_const_string_elements. */
#define private_st_const_string() /* in gscie.c */\
gs_private_st_composite(st_const_string, gs_const_string, "gs_const_string",\
const_string_enum_ptrs, const_string_reloc_ptrs)
#define public_st_const_string_element() /* in gscie.c */\
gs_public_st_element(st_const_string_element, gs_const_string,\
"gs_const_string[]", const_string_elt_enum_ptrs,\
const_string_elt_reloc_ptrs, st_const_string)
/* ------ Joint caches ------ */
/* This cache depends on both the color space and the rendering */
/* dictionary -- see above. */
typedef struct gx_cie_joint_caches_s {
rc_header rc;
bool skipLMN;
gx_cie_vector_cache DecodeLMN[3]; /* mult. by dLMN_PQR */
gs_cie_wbsd points_sd;
gs_matrix3 MatrixLMN_PQR;
bool skipPQR;
gx_cie_vector_cache TransformPQR[3]; /* mult. by PQR_inverse_eLMN */
} gx_cie_joint_caches;
#define private_st_joint_caches() /* in gscie.c */\
gs_private_st_simple(st_joint_caches, gx_cie_joint_caches,\
/* Internal routines */
typedef struct gs_for_loop_params_s {
float init, step, limit;
} gs_for_loop_params;
void gs_cie_cache_init(P4(cie_cache_params *, gs_for_loop_params *,
const gs_range *, client_name_t));
void gs_cie_cache_to_fracs(P1(gx_cie_scalar_cache *));
void gs_cie_abc_complete(P1(gs_cie_abc *));
void gs_cie_a_complete(P1(gs_cie_a *));
int gs_cie_render_init(P1(gs_cie_render *));
int gs_cie_render_complete(P1(gs_cie_render *));
gx_cie_joint_caches *gx_currentciecaches(P1(gs_state *));
const gs_cie_common *gs_cie_cs_common(P1(gs_state *));
void gs_cie_cs_complete(P2(gs_state *, bool));